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Internet Explorer Windows 8.1 Crash Fix

| Marc Enzor |

Using Windows 8.1 has become a rollercoaster ride since its release on April, 8 2014 – which also happens to be the same day Windows XP was officially retired. With all the updates, bugs and fixes; Windows 8.1 has proven to be less than reliable for many. Since Microsoft released and then retracted the early August 8.1 update, chances are you might be experiencing a problem with Internet Explorer crashing after the recent update. This problem might even make you want to throw your desktop/laptop/tablet out the window – but don’t let go yet! Luckily there is a fix that might help Internet Explorer kick this crashing problem. This fix uses the recovery feature of Windows without resetting all Internet Explorer settings back to default. Before trying this fix, it is recommended to backup all data. (It is recommended to always have a backup whether you’re experiencing problems or not.) It is also recommended to make a list of any apps installed from a website or DVD, for you will have to reinstall after the refresh.
*******When you refresh the PC, it will restore Windows 8.You will need to upgrade to 8.1 after the refresh*********
*******Any apps installed from Websites or DVDs will be removed with the refresh, and will have to be reinstalled after the refresh*******
How to refresh Windows 8.1 –
1.) Swipe in from right edge of screen or move your cursor so the Charmbar (sidebar) pops out, revealing the Search, Share, Start button, Devices and Settings gear cog symbol at the bottom of this list.Windows 8.1 Charmbar 2.) Click or tap on Settings > Change PC Settings > Update and Recovery.Windows 8.1 Settings Menu

3.) Click or tap to open the Recovery optionWindows 8.1 Control Panel System Menu
4.) Select Get Started and Refresh Your PC Without Affecting Your Files.Windows 8.1 System Properties Menu
This will then reinstall Windows without trashing your data.
Hopefully once your PC is refreshed, your Internet Explorer will functional again without “experiencing problems and needs to close” error message popping up and crashing the browser.

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